The Butterfly Effect Revisited

** This post was first published on my Wordpress
on the 22nd of January 2023

Butterflies know the beauty of transformation. Just like a caterpillar needs to turn into mush first to become a beautiful butterfly, I let everything that didn’t serve me anymore and wasn’t in my highest good dissolve and turned an ugly and unpleasant phase of my life into beauty. I made my own wings.

And once again it all started with a vision. When I came out of my dark night of the soul about a year ago I longed for wings. I even bought some cosplay feathery wings for a photo, but they never arrived. Spirit had a different plan. I was to MAKE them. Transmute the energy and transform pain and everything that no longer served me including self sabotaging and survival tactics into beauty. Self-love.

So today on this powerful Super New Moon in Aquarius I set an intention. Here’s to spreading my wings and showing the world everything I kept inside. 🦋

From my heart to yours. Marta xx

1 comment

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